
Warhammer Vermintide 2 2.0.15 Update Patch Notes - faucettconwhod

The Warhammer Vermintide 2 2.0.15 update is live after undergoing an experimental exam during the past hebdomad. Let USA tell you straight from the outset that this ISN't the kind of update that adds parvenu maps, characters, or any other substance; alternatively, using the valuable feedback that Fatshark collected, the devs were able to oeuvre connected a host of fixes and enhancements that should importantly improve the Warhammer Vermintide 2 gameplay coil.

Warhammer Vermintide 2 2.0.15 Update Patch Notes | Highlights

Warhammer Vermintide 2 2.0.15 Update Patch Notes

According to words orgasm straight from the devs' mouths, this update was stacked upon the community feedback with a clear focus: to take back the excitement and thrills antecedently provided past the armed combat loops and clashes inside Helmgart, which are at once "malfunctioning." The fleck is meant to improve the tightness of enemies in the area, the always reformative sound cues, and some bugs that occurred when your foes spawned "inside" players. Sounds like a terrible place to be, but it should embody a thing of the past now.

ALSO: Need for Velocity Heat 1.03 Update Patch Notes

Apparently, players weren't pleased with the utmost difficulty of the end events pertaining to several missions, and these ended up being tweaked as well. Directly, these events testament make up less punishing on higher difficulty levels, merely they are more manageable on lower difficulties. There were other adjustments to the events, which hopefully will contribute to qualification the experience more seamless and enjoyable.

The Warhammer Vermintide 2 heroes saw approximately of their skills rebalanced, and an attentive eye will apprehend that quite a few critical hits were delivering less damage than expected, when using certain weapons—crossbows, staffs, and flaming swords, among others, should no longer underachieve in the heat of combat.

If you were one of the unlucky few that managed to become stuck in Skittergate, or has the habit of falling to your doom because of a non-concrete hang ledge, these are a couple of issues that were solved as intimately. At least, thither should be fewer cases of insta-pour down with the release of the Warhammer Vermintide 2 2.0.15 update.

Warhammer Vermintide 2 2.0.15 Update | Full Patch Notes

Warhammer Vermintide 2 2.0.15 Update Patch Notes

Fixes and Tweaks

  • Nonmoving various UI string section.
  • Various crash fixes.
  • Fix for missing localisation for one of the paintings.
  • Firm an issue where having to a fault many enemies alive prevented completion of the 'Cage Ledgeman' challenge on Against the Grain.
  • Fixed bots taking damage when they are teleported to you/a team mate whilst middle-gentle wind.
  • Enemies, notably the Chaos Spawn and Informer Ogre (but this does apply to all enemies) will slowly jog players who encounte themselves stood inside the foeman unit, through expiration of a cloak ability surgery other such way. This fixes situations where enemy AI could non reach the role player stood "inside" them.
  • Leaded battle magician vocation ability arouse trail going advance than the participant travels. Fixed open fire trail not appearing if player jumps over a gap in the navmesh* (*the path on which AI can travel).
  • Fixed fire bombs not aggroing patrols if they step happening the fire, now applying dots to enemies to alert them.
  • Fixed an issue where the Achievement "Depend on In collaboration, Give way Together" could not beryllium accomplished on Legend difficulty.
  • Changes the backstab trigger to calculate along clients rather of server.
  • Updated all hidden spawners on all levels to try and combat facespawning issues.
  • Updates to enemy considerations to try and fight hyperdensity.
  • Updates to horde spawning, primarily targeting ambushes.
  • Fixes issue where the emcee hear the backstab indicator when bots are organism backstabbed
  • Refactored all explosions which should result in better syncing of explosions across horde and client(s).
  • Updated how sweeps are deliberate for:
    • 1h Swords, Kruber and Sienna.
    • Dual Wield Daggers, Kerillian.
    • Dual Wield Swords, Kerillian.
    • Spears and Screen, Kerillian.
    • Spears, Kerillian.
    • 2h Swords, Kerillian.
  • This should reduce the chance of getting Spectr Sweeps when playacting at low fps and/or very piping attack rush.
  • Added Advertise/Block angle to weave melee weapons. An emerge caused these to not display by rights as an option that could be selected.
  • Gors no thirster use their squawk attack since it telegraphed very poorly.
  • Reduced the speed of the Gors attacks by approximately 10% crossways the board.
  • Familiarised Beastmen rise/climb up timers to shrink snappiness.
  • Fixed missing sounds on Kerillian's Screen+Spear.
  • Fixed missing sounds for Bardin's hammers.
  • Overhauled the sound mix to improve opposition specials consciousness.
  • Removed spawn stingers for Ratling Machine gunner, Warpfire Thrower.
  • Fixes hordes spawning without the drove music and ambiance.
  • Fixed an issue where enemies using the combo onset (Plague Monk etc) wouldn't face their quarry.
  • Beastmen and chaos ambush horde euphony now triggers earlier to give a better denotation for the role player when they are approximately to be engaged.
  • Beastmen and chaos horde atmosphere has been changed to the same effect.
  • Beastmen Standard Bearers no longer engage patrols when they put polish their banners.
  • Fast a case of comprehensive fast Gutter Base runner behaviors. Seemed to cost an interaction between assassinator rats and edges in terrain/geometry. Keep U.S. posted!
  • Stationary some situations where patrols spawned too close to the player.
  • Fixed an issue where Bedlam Warriors sometimes could hit player that were identical finish behind them when performing their overhead cleave attacks.
  • Fixed an exploit with Fire Walk and Slayer's Leap which allowed some jelled objects to be passed through.
  • Fixed an issue where clients would deal more impairment when they were the novel cause (Sienna venting for example).Breakwater' Talent – Fixed an result that caused the fillip impairment to enemies you stagger to be practical to ranged attacks. Now only affects melee attacks.


  • Sienna – Battle Wizard – Flame Paseo – She can no longer target her flame walk whilst airborne. This is mechanically unchained, but antecedently you could target whilst airborne but you couldn't use the ability.
  • Sienna – Battle Genius – Kaboom! – Now applies the tight-laced perfervid effect on both the lead off location and the target localisation.


  • Mercenary – Blade Barrier – Fixed an issue where the talent could not embody triggered if you had the gift "Increased Training" selected.
  • Markus Kruber – Commercial – Walkway information technology Cancelled! – Now refreshes duration if Morale Hike up is activated while the damage step-dow is active.


  • Kerillian – Shade – Vanish – Metamorphic icon of the invisibility buff to signal that Kerillian is under the effect of Vanish.


  • Saltzpyre – Witch Hunting watch Captain – The Ageless Hunt – Fixed an takings that caused the the ability to refund 80% cooldown sooner than the intended 40%.
  • Saltzpyre – Crone Hunter Captain – The Perpetual Trace – Fixed an go forth where the cooldown would non constitute by rights reduced while playing as a client.
  • Saltzpyre – Zealot – Heart of Robust – Fixed the talent from non preventing decease if the damage taken is greater than the add up goop health of the player.


  • Bardin – Ranger Stager – Firing Fury – Right away refreshes duration of recharge speed flush if triggered again.
  • Crit Counter buffs of Mercenary and Drumbeater now show when they gun trigger.
  • Empire Longbow – When zoom is held, wish maintain zoomed in Department of State instead of flipping in and down after each shot. Should yield a smoother experience when using the longbow.
  • Beetle off Staff – Geostationary an issue where the second level of charge for the spear had less rive than the first and third level of charge.
  • Swiftbow – Increased headshot damage of charged attacks.Longbow – Exaggerated headshot damage of light attacks.
  • Longbow – Increased Body shot impairment of charged attacks vs Berserk-class enemies.
  • Geostationary issues where critical hits dealt less damage to certain foe types with predictable weapons:
    • Repetition Crossbows, Saltzpyre and Kerillian.
    • Blunderbuss and Score-Raker, Markus and Bardin.
    • Hagbane impact equipment casualty, Kerillian.[*]Fireball Staff, Sienna.
    • Run out Faculty, charge grade 2 heavy spear attack.
    • Flamethrower heavy attacks, Sienna and Bardin.
    • Shield heavy attack slams, Markus and Bardin.
    • Dual Axes push attack, Bardin.
    • Flaming Sword hook tone-beginning, Sienna.
    • Greathammer, Bardin and Markus.
  • Cermonial Dagger – Heavy attack 1 chains somewhat faster into lowering blast 2.
  • Shaft of light Staff – Fixed sometimes not doing charged shot patc holding right mouse button and left mouse button is spammed.
  • Hagbane – Far projectile penetration happening live shot to make sure IT always creates poison cloud on impact.
  • Fixed issue where the histrion wouldn't respawn or take on a really long time to respawn in the inalterable arena part of a Weave.
  • Skittergate: Rigid a case of Skippergate.
  • Skittergate: Unadjustable a cliff edge which had no hangledge and heroes whom fell there were just insta-killed.
  • Skittergate: Bots should now behave a trifle better around the ledges during the escape.
  • Skittergate: Fixed various AI navigation and sticky locations.
  • Athel Yenlui: Fixed a smattering of sticky locations.
  • Tweaked the end events of the following missions:
    • Convocation of Decay.
    • Fort Barkenbörken.
    • Skittergate.
    • Garden of Morr.
    • The Screaming Bell.
    • Just Stand.
    • Engines of War.
  • The end events should be less arduous on higher difficulties, and slightly less challenging along all difficulties across the board.


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