
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: A history in PC games | PC Gamer - faucettconwhod

Captain Jean-Luc Picard: A history in Personal computer games

(Image citation: Spectrum HoloByte)

Nowadays we've been blessed with a new Star Trek series based on The Side by side Generation. Called only Picard, the show brings one of the greatest TV characters of all fourth dimension plump for to the small screen, and IT's really really upstanding—nostalgic and familiar, but too fresh and thrilling.

Dungaree-Luc Picard has also appeared in a bunch of Star Trek spin-off games, including a a couple of you've probably unrecoverable all about...

 Star Trek: The Side by side Contemporaries – A Final Unity

(Image credit: Spectrum HoloByte)

Yr 1995
Developer Spectrum HoloByte

This adventure game mixes classical point-and-click enigmatic with space exploration, tactical combat, and a bit of Trek-style diplomacy. You sack explore the Enterprise-D, get ahead along away missions, and talk to the crew—many of whom are voiced away the cast from the TV show off, including Patrick Stewart.

 Star Trek Generations

(Image reference: MicroProse)

Year 1997
Developer MicroProse

Released alongside the movie of the same name, Generations is a curious blend of 3D ordinal-mortal shooting and tactical ship combat. There are even some adventure game-style puzzles in there. Unfortunately, it's fairly boring—merely the conception of Picard chasing negative guy Soran crosswise the galaxy is kinda interesting.

(Effigy credit: Presto Studios)

Yr 1999
Developer Presto Studios

Taking place straight off after Star Trek: Rising, this game is heavily influenced past the Resident Evil series. That means fixed camera angles, pre-rendered backgrounds, clunky phaser combat, and a lot of invisible puzzles. Picard and Data caper bearing roles, voiced by Stewart and Brant Spiner.

Starring Trek: Armada

(Image credit: Activision)

Year 2000
Developer Activision

This is one of many Star Trek-based real-time scheme games released in the 2000s. It incorporates plot elements from Deep Space Nine, The Close Genesis, and Insurrection, and fits the accepted RTS molding: pick a faction, harvest resources, build a base, construct a fleet, so wipe out the enemy.

Star Trek: Armada II

(Image credit: Mad Doc Software)

Yr 2001
Developer Unbalanced Physician Software

Yes, it's another tactical blank fighting game. Set 6 months after the events of the maiden Armada, this sequel sees the return of the Borg, and Picard victimization a transwarp gate to strike the scrap to their staging grounds in the Delta Quadrant. A solid sci-fi RTS, but overshadowed by games like Homeworld.

Star Trek: Starfleet Require III

(Persona cite: Taldren)

Class 2002
Developer Taldren

This is one of three Starfleet Overlook games, which are loosely based on the tabletop game Star Swift Battles. Even so, this was the only one to star Picard. In it you play as various characters including a Klingon maitre d', a newly-minted Romulan captain, and a Confederation skipper practical under Picard.

Star Trek: Bridgework Commanding officer

(Image credit: Totally Games)

Year 2002
Developer Totally Games

Now we're talking. This remains one of the best Star Trek games on Microcomputer, letting you sit in the captain's chair and command your own Confederacy spaceship. You behind give orders to your crew, or control the send on yourself, and a Stewart-voiced Picard teaches you the fundamentals of the job. I can't think of a better teacher.

Star Trek: Elect Force II

(Paradigm credit entry: Custom Entertainment)

Yr 2003
Developer Ritual Amusement

This first-person shooter is a kinda sequel to Star Trek: Nemesis—a film the unprecedented Picard series has close ties to. You roleplay as a member of the Hazard Squad, an elite Starfleet unit trained to handle high-risk by missions. Impressed by your skills, Picard invites you to dis onboard the Enterprise-E.

Star Trek: Legacy

(Visualise credit: Mad Commerce Software)

Class 2006
Developer Mad Doc Software

This space RTS (yes, another one) is notable for featuring all Star Trek captain—including Jonathan Archer from Endeavor. It's a shame the halting itself isn't any good, with unresponsive controls, drawn-out space battles, and the mystifying absence of any collision signal detection.

Andy Kelly

If it's set in space, Andy bequeath probably indite about it. He loves sci-fi, hazard games, fetching screenshots, Twin Peaks, eldritch sims, Alien: Isolation, and anything with a funny.


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